Eastern Decorator Corporate Profile Video

Blessed are us Malaysians to have such a conglomerate be borne from our soils. The Eastern Decorator Group mesmerized us by its gigantic scale and reach when we got the lucky chance to produce their corporate profile video. We shot in 5 separate locations in Ipoh and KL to complete this mammoth task in a period of 3 weeks.english french translationstranslate english frenchnorwegian translatorstranslator english to germanlegal translations servicesenglish french translators

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Name: Big Bash Productions Malaysia
Phone: 03 2298 7280
Fax: 03 2298 7333
Address: Big Bash Media Sdn Bhd D-1-53, 10 Boulevard Sprint Highway, Damansara Jaya 47400 Petaling Jaya, Malaysia